VaaaS: Vickrey auctions in Scala using aecor, ZIO and cats
Vickrey-auction-as-a-Service or less (or more?) obnoxiously: VaaaS is a small side project intended as a showcase in:
- Modern pure functional Scala using ZIO, cats
- Event-sourced algebras using aecor, the pure functional event-sourcing runtime
- Domain-driven design: bounded contexts and write/read model separation (not covered in this post)
The accompanying codebase can be found on github.
This project was inspired by a post by Kevin Lynagh in which he advises his friend to trial out the Vickrey auction as a price discovery mechanism for his niche goods.
Very briefly:
A Vickrey auction is a type of sealed-bid auction. Bidders submit written bids without knowing the bid of the other people in the auction. The highest bidder wins but the price paid is the second-highest bid.
The above can be generalised to N items where top N bidders get the item but pay the N+1‘th bid.
Leveraging FP
Having been exposed to the maintenance nightmare that is the abuse of untyped Akka actors there is little in life that calms my soul like ZIO[-R, +E, +A]
ZIO (at its core) is yet another effect type library (like the IO
of cats-effect) but this one has an extra beefy type signature. So why the three type holes?
is the happy-path promise-resolved-successfully return type, just like inIO[+A]
is the exceptional result type and we can use it to encode failures. This could be aThrowable
so we can return an exception without actually throwing a JVM exception (impure behaviour!) or some sort of domain/problem-specific type like a user-defined ADT hierarchy.What about just using
IO[Either[E, A]]
? They’re semantically equivalent (ignoring concurrency concerns) but practically different. The ZIO type is already well equipped for all yourE
massaging needs. On the other hand, you’ll have to wrap the IO flavour in anEitherT
monad transformer to achieve similar behaviour and functionality.The
is theenvironment
type which is used to specify a dependency. An effect typedZIO[Clock, E, A]
will need to be supplied an instance ofClock
at some point (becomingZIO[Any, E, A]
) before being runnable.
“I probably won’t need all three of these at all times.”
No, you won’t. That’s why ZIO ships with these:
type IO[+E, +A] = ZIO[Any, E, A]
type Task[+A] = ZIO[Any, Throwable, A]
type RIO[-R, +A] = ZIO[R, Throwable, A]
type UIO[+A] = ZIO[Any, Nothing, A]
type URIO[-R, +A] = ZIO[R, Nothing, A]
I’ve conveniently not talked about the pluses and minuses on the type parameters. You can have some fun learning about variance here.
First, let’s define Context
, a case class to capture the UserId
of the user invoking the task while Has[_]
is some ZIO dependency-specification machinery that you can learn more about here.
object UserContext {
type UserContext = Has[Context]
case class Context(id: UserId)
Now we’re ready to define our own service-specific UserTask
alias. Here’s the one out of vaaas
package object context {
type UserTask[A] = RIO[ZEnv with UserContext, A]
def ctx: URIO[UserContext.UserContext, Context] =
def userId: ZIO[UserContext.UserContext, Nothing, UserId] =
Where ZEnv = Clock with Console with System with Random with Blocking
The above UserTask
alias specifies a Task that can fail with a Throwable
and additionally requires all of ZEnv
as well as some user context, very suitable for defining service calls scoped to an authenticated user. Here’s an example from the codebase:
class LiveUserService(repo: UserRepository) extends UserService {
override def userProfile(): UserTask[User] = for {
userId: UserId <- context.userId
user: User <- repo.byId(userId)
} yield user
As you can see we didn’t explicitly pass userId
to the service method, but because it’s been supplied as part of the R
cake we can fetch it using our previously defined userId
One of the (many) places the affectionately named cats (in reference to category theory) can be found in this project is password strength validation.
First, a PasswordRule
is defined like so:
case class PasswordRule(message: String, pattern: String)
And then loaded in from configuration that may look like so:
password-rules = [
message = "Password must be 8+ characters in length"
pattern = "^.{8,}$"
message = "Password must contain special character"
pattern = ".*[!@#$%^&*].*"
message = "Password must contain number"
pattern = ".*[0-9].*"
What we’ve done here is defined a set of regular expressions and a corresponding natural language explanation for why the pattern wasn’t satisfied.
Now when the user fails to supply a “strong” enough password we want to tell them all the different ways their password is not good enough, all in one go. Sounds like ValidatedNel[E, A]
will be a fit.
ValidatedNel[E, A]
takes on one of two values: Valid(a: A)
or Invalid(e: NonEmptyList[E])
and is a useful type for chaining validations and collecting errors along the way (as opposed to Either
which short-circuits/fails fast).
- Line 18: Apply each individual rule validation against raw input password
- Line 19: Use cats’
so aggregate the nested validations into one. You’ll notice we now have aList[Unit]
which would be more useful if we cared about the result of the individual validations but here we don’t. - Line 20: As mentioned, we don’t care about
and we’re more interested in returning a validated password. We can override the final valid result
. Let’s callunsafe
with the raw password which whill hash it and put it in our wrapper. This method is unsafe because the password passed in might not be strong enough! Luckily in this context we know that it is because we’ve just validated it.
Full code listing available here
The following section assumes knowledge of event-sourcing. If this is not the case you can find a cursory overview in my previous post. There’s also the following:
First, I’m going to present how you could define a basic event-sourced auction behaviour using simple Scala constructs without the use of aecor.
State, commands, events and rejections
case class AuctionState
ownerId: UserId,
endsAt: Instant,
reserve: Money,
status: AuctionStatus,
bids: Map[UserId, Money]
type State = Option[AuctionState]
sealed trait Command
object Command {
case class StartAuction(userId: UserId, reserve: Money, endsAt: Instant) extends Command
case class PlaceBid(userId: UserId, bid: Money) extends Command
case class EndAuction(now: Instant) extends Command
sealed trait Event
object Event {
case class AuctionStarted(userId: UserId, reserve: Money, endsAt: Instant) extends Event
case class BidPlaced(userId: UserId, bid: Money) extends Event
case class AuctionEnded(now: Instant) extends Event
sealed trait Rejection
object Rejection {
case object AuctionExists extends Rejection
case object AuctionNotFound extends Rejection
case object AuctionHasEnded extends Rejection
case object TooEarlyToExpire extends Rejection
case object BidBelowReserve extends Rejection
case class Other(reason: String) extends Rejection
trait CommandHandler[C, S, E, R] {
def handle(command: C, state: S): Either[R, List[E]]
Given some command C (captures intent to modify an entity) and the present state S and what is the sequence of events E that describes the changes the entity would go through? Alternatively, R encodes why the command rejected
We now have what we need to define the behaviour of our Vickrey auction:
- Starting an auction
- Placing bids
- Expiring an auction so that no further bids are accepted.
Let’s implement our CommandHandler
private def append(e: Event, es: Event*): Either[Rejection, List[Event]] = {
(e +: es).toList.asRight
private def reject(reason: String): Either[Rejection, List[Event]] = {
val commandHandler: CommandHandler[Command, State, Event, Rejection] = {
case (StartAuction(userId, reserve, endsAt), None) =>
append {
AuctionStarted(userId, reserve, endsAt)
case (_: StartAuction, Some(_)) =>
case (PlaceBid(userId, bid: Money), Some(auction)) =>
if (auction.status == Live && bid > auction.reserve) {
append {
BidPlaced(userId, bid)
} else reject(BidBelowReserve)
case (EndAuction(now), Some(auction)) if auction.isLive =>
if (now.isAfter(auction.endsAt)) {
append {
} else reject(TooEarlyToExpire)
case (EndAuction(_), Some(_)) =>
case (command, _) =>
reject(Other(s"Cannot apply $command against current state"))
And that’s the bare minimum definition of an event-sourced behaviour with typed rejections!
Full code listing available here
Enter aecor
Aecor does something quite different.
trait Auction[F[_]] {
def start(userId: UserId, reserve: Money, endsAt: Instant): F[Unit]
def placeBid(userId: UserId, size: Money): F[Unit]
def expire(now: Instant): F[Unit]
- Commands are defined as methods
- The
types are nowhere to be seen on the methods.
Enter MonadAction and MonadActionReject
trait MonadAction[F[_], S, E] extends Monad[F] {
def read: F[S]
def append(es: E, other: E*): F[Unit]
def reset: F[Unit]
trait MonadActionReject[F[_], S, E, R] extends MonadAction[F, S, E] {
def reject[A](r: R): F[A]
MonadActionReject[F[_], S, E, R]
grants us the ability to:
the currentS
some sequence of events typedE
the command with some rejection typedR
You’ll also notice that MonadAction
inherits from Monad[F]
which itself inherits from Applicative[F]
trait Applicative[F[_]] {
def pure[A](x: A): F[A]
grants us the ability to:
- call
which takes an arbitraryA
and wraps it withF
. If we dopure(())
we’ll getF[Unit]
which happens to be what ourAuction
methods are supposed to return!
We now have what we need to now implement our previously defined Auction[F[_]]
as EventsourcedAuction[F[_]]
. It is here that we
specify our requirement on an appropriately typed instance of MonadActionReject
The below snippet features the following:
- Line 1: import the members of the supplied MonadActionReject instance. We’ll be using
shortly. - Line 3: define a method for testing some condition and sending the appropriate rejection when it passes.
- Line 6: define a convenience accessor
for the case whereS == Some(_: AuctionState)
and reject the command withAuctionNotFound
otherwise - Line 11: define another convenience accessor
. This one uses the previous accessor and then ensures the auction is in its Live state otherwise rejects withAuctionHasEnded
The following snippet features the behaviour that corresponds to what was in our previous non-aecor
example done by extracting StartAuction
, PlaceBid
and Expire
out of the Command
For each command you’ll see
- some transformation of the state being accessed (either
) - verify the preconditions are met with
- capture the state change using appropriate event(s)
- reject with some reason otherwise
And that about captures it.
Full code listing available here